Cases such this, the doctor approximately estimated the stay of the patient minimum of 2 weeks and maximum of 2 months. I am still holding on what is the best for the baby.
Jan 15, 2012
I was processing my SSS data when my husband received an text message from the NICU nurse station.. He informed me. Without so much talked, we stopped our business in SSS and decided to go at once to the hospital. The message stating that the surgeon wants to talk to me. Since the message was urgent, I called the number to clarify the message.
I was surprised from the news.The doctor talked straight to me that swelling was worsen. The infection attacked the wound and it was not doing good...I told the doctor that we want to see her in the NICU and we must talked to her at once considering we were just a around approximately 2km distance away from the hospital.I was devastated. We hurriedly went to the car. As we started the engine of the car, it never worked. We were anxious already. We left the car and rode a taxi to the hospital.
Upon arrival, we SMS the doctor that we arrived already. We immediately rushed tot he NICU counter. The nurse gave us a operating waiver for us to signed. We ignore it for a while because we want to see and talk to the doctor.
A few minutes later, the doctor came with the x-ray result. We saw that the intestines got problem. The doctor explained to us in the cause and the possible effect. We were so sad from her news. She demanded us for an urgent second operation while the vital signs of the baby is still stable and he was still lively. By 9am, they will start the operation. As I saw from the watch, it will be a few minutes already...Our heart wanted to burst. My husband signed the waiver for operation and immediately paid 25,000 pesos in the cashier for the operation.
We asked the nurse that we want to see him in the window prior for the operation. The curtain in his room was opened and we awaited to see him. He was still lively yet it was unknown for him that he will operated again. Our heart burns.I cried for, I can not made it especially when the nurses dropped the curtain for him to proceed in the operating room (OR).
Reflecting at the waiting area, my hubby cuddled me like a child because both of us needs support. Then, we heard a call from the nurse that we need to got tot he OR. The surgeon meet us from the OR's threshold. She wanted us to wear proper attire as we went in the OR premise. So sad that there was only 1 scrabsuit left, so the doctor preferred me to go in to see the baby. Rosevelt's heart pound more harder for he was unable to come with me to see and touch his child. He was disappointed of the incident.
Upon arriving the OR, the doctor let me introduce to the team doctors who will take care of my baby's surgery. The introduction was short and formal. He held the baby and gave it to me. For the first time, I was able to touch Rus. I was swept away by his cry. I savor the few moments with him. I tried to memorize each contour of his face--looks like Rosevelt. I asked the doctor why he is crying. "Could it be his hungry?or in pain?"
"The baby cry for no specific reason", the surgeon replied.
Then she let me saw his wound and the possible area for infection. I saw it was horrible yet I was able to tolerate it. The doctor made a prayer prior to the surgery as I laid on my right hand on him. He looked at me. He was not crying anymore. I savor this moments left because I don't know what will happen next. I cried vehemently.My tears dropped like a gush of water from the faucet, uncontrollably. Then, one of the doctor brought me out because operation will about to begin.
Still crying as I made my way outside to the OR. My husband met me and wanted to hear a news from me. I was crying embracing him. He held me in his arms. Both of us were crying. I told him that he looked like you...I just savor the moments...just a few seconds I was able to held him in my arms...We left the area and back to the waiting station again.
Three hours after of waiting, the surgeon called us again...she explained to us the result of the operation. He was diagnose with necrotizing entercolitis (NEC).
Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) occurs when the lining of the intestinal wall dies and the tissue falls off. The cause for this disorder is unknown. However, it is thought that a decrease in blood flow to the bowel keeps the bowel from producing mucus that protects the gastrointestinal tract. Bacteria in the intestine may also be a cause.
This disorder usually develops in an infant that is already ill or premature, and most often develops while the infant is still in the hospital.
It was the infection that led him to be diagnosed with NEC. We exchanged our insights of the problem and the chance of survival. The doctor never gave us assurance. She just said only a few out 10 survived. She hoped that the medication will heal the infections and the baby can survive through his coping mechanism.
We informed our family. They were surprise of the news!! My biological parents rushed in the hopsital to see our situation. Indeed, my mother cried especially when I retold her the moments we had as mother and child in the OR.
Before we left the hospital, we made sure that we purchased all the necessary medicines for him. We watched him before we left.
Oh Loving Father, Jesus, please help us that our baby Rus will able to survive. May all the edema and the infections will be gone. Heal him Lord because you are the greatest physician. Lord we intrust everything to you and may your great love will allow to heal him and he will survive.
Get will our baby Rus..We all love you.