am going to try my best to document all the wonderful things we are going to be
experiencing throughout the next 9 months! Let me take you back a few days!
MAY 13, 2012

During working hours, I feel sleepy and a lot of discomforts driving me. I was
counting the days in the calendar. I was expecting to get my period today and
hadn’t gotten it. I checked the calendar and I realized that I was actually
supposed to have it on May 9, expecting that it would be soon that I will get
pregnant. That was already 3 days late. I was a little scared! Not because I
didn’t want a baby, but because it was such a surprise that we could really
have one!
it was the big news knowing what I saw it in pregnancy test! It was indicated
that I was conceiving you 5 weeks. It was in mix emotions. I had a lot on my
mind! My period is very regular so I knew there was a possibility we could
actually be parents in 9 months! I opened it to your aunt Bernadette the
news. She was so delighted! She automatically called our families overseas to
inform the big news.
It’s Official! I am pregnant!
went to the doctor the following day to see if our instincts and testing were
accurate. Sure enough, they were! At 3:00 p.m. they told me “Congratulations!
You’re pregnant!”
I knew that I was pregnant yesterday, but for some reason it feels so much more
real today! You are on your way!!
home, I seated on my table, opened the computer and connected to your papa at
once. My heart was pounding. I burst into tears because it couldn’t help my
sensitive emotions. I was caught between happiness and sadness. Happy in the
sense you share the joy with us yet sad because papa was so far away. Once I
calmed down we both talked about you!
are going to be parents! I instantly felt nervous and very scared. Mainly
because we hadn’t sat down and discussed “trying” to have a baby – but we also
decided we weren’t going to try not to either. There were so many feelings
going through my body – I was overwhelmed – excited – a little worried.
don’t really “feel” all that pregnant yet. I have noticed to myself I don’t
experience “morning sickness”. My tummy has been upset that past few nights if
I can’t ate the foods I craved for. I love mangoes. Mangoes, whether ripe or
unripe, it was not absent in my meal. I preferred Filipino cuisine. I hate the
smell Indian and Malay delicacies moreover their viands. I had noticed I
was a bit more tired than usual, but that is normal. And my breasts were sore, sensitive
and growing. I am really trying to watch what I ate and I wanted to exercise. I
was really going to try to get in better shape for you that should help with
the pregnancy! I started taking prenatal vitamins when we found out you were
already growing inside me!
have so much planning to do and lots of love already built up!!! I can’t wait
to share the news with everyone! It is going to great seeing everyone’s
reactions! So for now only few of us know!
will keep praying for you and I will do my best to keep you safe and warm!
Continue to grow to my sweet little baby!
the early part of this pregnancy at 5 weeks the central nervous system,
muscles, bones and even the heart will begin to form. Early skeletal development
is also possible at or around pregnancy week 5. Remember that every person is
unique, thus their baby will develop at a different rate from others.
the most interesting changes that are occurring during 5 weeks pregnant include
those happening in the heart. During this week the heart will begin to divide
into separate chambers and start pumping blood. The heart is formed from the
middle layer of cells called the mesoderm. Other organs that will develop from
this layer include the muscles, cartilage and bone. The primitive placenta and
umbilical cord are also developing. The neural tube starts developing in the
top layer of cells called the ectoderm. The skin, hair, nails and sweat glands
will also develop out of this layer of cells. The lungs, intestines, thyroid
and pancreas also develop from a third layer of cells called the endoderm.”http://www.babycenter.com/303_5-weeks_1615693.bc
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